~ For Our Newsletter Subscribers Only ~

Dark Nights Discovery

Collection One

10 Stories by

Mari Carr, K.L. Grayson, Riley Hart,

Michelle St. James, Skye Jordan, Kennedy Layne,

Jennifer Lyon, Angel Payne, C.D. Reiss

& Rebecca Yarros

We’re thrilled to introduce our Dark Nights Discovery Authors. We’ve heard from so many of you that you look to 1,001 Dark Nights for book/series/author recommendations — and even after reading all of our titles, you’re still hungry for more. So we asked our contributing authors to nominate writers that they’d love for you to ‘discover’ — and we received nearly fifty nominations!

After several months, lots of reading, and many agonizing decisions, we narrowed the fifty down to an amazing ten. By giving you an exclusive  free compilation of Collection One, we hope this will give you an introduction that will compel you to read more from these wonderful writers.

This is our way of giving back/paying forward, and it’s one of the best parts of what you’ve helped us build with 1,001 Dark Nights.

Thank you, as always, for your amazing support,

Liz Berry & M.J. Rose

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Dark Nights Discovery Collection One!

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CLICK HERE to discover all of the 1,001 Dark Nights exclusive/free downloads, including Discovery Bundles 1, 2 & 3, The First Night and Storm Season – the Rising Storm prequel.

Please don’t copy and post this free e-book online. If you’d like for your friends to receive Dark Nights Discovery: Collection One, simply encourage them to sign up for the 1,001 Dark Nights newsletter here and they’ll also receive their free copy of the story.


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